Social Security Survivor Benefits – The Rules
Social Security Survivor Benefits for a Spouse
Social Security: The Survivor Benefit, Simplified
Widows Waiting to Wed? (Re)Marriage and Economic Incentives in Social Security Widow Benefits
社會安全局 遺屬福利 在 60 歲之前再婚,您將無法領取寡婦和鰥夫的 福利。
社會安全局 遺屬福利 在 60 歲之前再婚,您將無法領取寡婦和鰥夫的 福利。
寡婦領遺夫福利 如何選擇較高金額
Survivors Planner: How Much Would Your Benefit Be? survival benefit
remarry after 60
Formula for Family Maximum Benefit 3394
$1411 / 75% = $1881
Social Security Benefit Amounts For The Surviving Spouse
rate 28.5/7 = 4.07%/year amount increase
do this if live less than this age
60 71.5% x+7 78.56 $1345
61 75.57% x+6 80.56
62 79.64% x+5 82.56
63 83.71% x+4 84.56
64 87.79% x+3 86.56
65 91.86% x+2 88.56
66 95.93% x+1 90.56
67 100.0% $1881
84.96 average life expectancy
Income exempt limit, working during retirement (Exempt Amounts Under The Earnings Test) $17640
Maximize benefit: begin at 60 or full retirement age and switch to below at 70
Survivors Planner: How Much Would Your Benefit Be? survival benefit
remarry after 60
Formula for Family Maximum Benefit 3394
$1411 / 75% = $1881
Social Security Benefit Amounts For The Surviving Spouse
rate 28.5/7 = 4.07%/year amount increase
do this if live less than this age
60 71.5% x+7 78.56 $1345
61 75.57% x+6 80.56
62 79.64% x+5 82.56
63 83.71% x+4 84.56
64 87.79% x+3 86.56
65 91.86% x+2 88.56
66 95.93% x+1 90.56
67 100.0% $1881
84.96 average life expectancy
Income exempt limit, working during retirement (Exempt Amounts Under The Earnings Test) $17640
Maximize benefit: begin at 60 or full retirement age and switch to below at 70
2024 survivor 60 $2796 67 $3911 70 $4873
self 62 $2710 67 $3911 70 $4873
Retirement Planner: Benefits, Retire Early bridge with 401k (mid 2028 59½)
Delayed Retirement Credits
Retirement Planner: Benefits, Retire Early bridge with 401k (mid 2028 59½)
Delayed Retirement Credits
Medicare end of 2033, 65 yrs
35 top earning years to get maximum benefit, 1997-end of 2031, 63 yrs
yr pct yr past 70
start if live less than this age
62 70% x+8 74.67
63 76% x+7 76.67
64 82% x+6 78.67
65 88% x+5 80.67
66 94% x+4 82.67
67 100% x+3 80.5
68 108% x+2 82.5
69 116% x+1 84.5
70 124% x
Children health insurance 26 years old, 10/2027(58), 4/2030(60.5)
Graduate from college, 5/2023 (54), 5/2026 (57)
Leaving home, 9/2019 (50), 9/2022 (53)
35 top earning years to get maximum benefit, 1997-end of 2031, 63 yrs
yr pct yr past 70
start if live less than this age
62 70% x+8 74.67
63 76% x+7 76.67
64 82% x+6 78.67
65 88% x+5 80.67
66 94% x+4 82.67
67 100% x+3 80.5
68 108% x+2 82.5
69 116% x+1 84.5
70 124% x
Children health insurance 26 years old, 10/2027(58), 4/2030(60.5)
Graduate from college, 5/2023 (54), 5/2026 (57)
Leaving home, 9/2019 (50), 9/2022 (53)
CPI over the years Consumer Price Index, graph/chart