Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunrise Sunset time for one year

Sunrise, Sunset Calendars and Local Time
Nautical Twilight is 6-12 degree, about 1 hour before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset
Civil Twilight is 6 degree, 30 minutes (1 degree 4 minutes)
Astronomical Twilight is 12-18 degree, 1.5 hour to 2 hour
Daylight saving time begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November

GAISMA: Cupertino Sunrise, Sunset, Dawn, Dusk times, rough graph, Sun path diagram, Solar energy and surface meteorology

Sunrise, sunset plot detailed graph

CDNS West 121 55' North 37 24'
             o  ,    o  ,                                        CDNS                                  Astronomical Applications Dept.
Location: W121 55, N37 24                          Rise and Set for the Sun for 2008                   U. S. Naval Observatory        
                                                                                                       Washington, DC  20392-5420     
                                                      Zone:  8h West of Greenwich                                                     
       Jan.       Feb.       Mar.       Apr.       May        June       July       Aug.       Sept.      Oct.       Nov.       Dec.  
Day Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set  Rise  Set
     h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m   h m  h m
01  0722 1700  0711 1732  0638 1802  0552 1831  0512 1858  0448 1923  0451 1932  0512 1915  0539 1836  0604 1750  0633 1709  0704 1650
02  0722 1701  0710 1733  0637 1803  0551 1832  0511 1859  0448 1924  0451 1932  0513 1914  0539 1834  0604 1749  0634 1708  0705 1650
03  0722 1702  0710 1734  0635 1804  0549 1833  0510 1900  0448 1924  0452 1932  0514 1913  0540 1833  0605 1747  0635 1707  0706 1650
04  0722 1703  0709 1735  0634 1805  0548 1834  0509 1901  0447 1925  0452 1932  0515 1912  0541 1831  0606 1746  0636 1706  0707 1650
05  0722 1704  0708 1736  0633 1806  0547 1835  0508 1902  0447 1926  0453 1932  0516 1911  0542 1830  0607 1744  0637 1705  0707 1650
06  0722 1705  0707 1737  0631 1807  0545 1835  0507 1902  0447 1926  0453 1931  0517 1910  0543 1828  0608 1743  0638 1704  0708 1650
07  0722 1705  0706 1738  0630 1808  0544 1836  0506 1903  0447 1927  0454 1931  0518 1909  0544 1827  0609 1741  0639 1703  0709 1650
08  0722 1706  0705 1739  0628 1809  0542 1837  0505 1904  0447 1927  0455 1931  0518 1907  0544 1825  0610 1740  0640 1702  0710 1650
09  0722 1707  0704 1740  0627 1810  0541 1838  0504 1905  0447 1928  0455 1931  0519 1906  0545 1824  0611 1738  0641 1701  0711 1650
10  0722 1708  0703 1741  0625 1811  0539 1839  0503 1906  0446 1928  0456 1930  0520 1905  0546 1822  0612 1737  0642 1701  0712 1650
11  0722 1709  0702 1743  0624 1812  0538 1840  0502 1907  0446 1929  0457 1930  0521 1904  0547 1821  0613 1735  0643 1700  0712 1650
12  0722 1710  0701 1744  0622 1813  0536 1841  0501 1908  0446 1929  0457 1929  0522 1903  0548 1819  0613 1734  0645 1659  0713 1650
13  0722 1711  0700 1745  0621 1814  0535 1842  0500 1909  0446 1930  0458 1929  0523 1902  0548 1818  0614 1733  0646 1658  0714 1651
14  0721 1712  0658 1746  0619 1815  0534 1843  0459 1909  0446 1930  0459 1928  0523 1900  0549 1816  0615 1731  0647 1657  0714 1651
15  0721 1713  0657 1747  0618 1816  0532 1844  0458 1910  0446 1930  0459 1928  0524 1859  0550 1814  0616 1730  0648 1657  0715 1651
16  0721 1714  0656 1748  0616 1816  0531 1844  0457 1911  0446 1931  0500 1927  0525 1858  0551 1813  0617 1728  0649 1656  0716 1651
17  0720 1715  0655 1749  0615 1817  0530 1845  0457 1912  0447 1931  0501 1927  0526 1857  0552 1811  0618 1727  0650 1655  0716 1652
18  0720 1716  0654 1750  0613 1818  0528 1846  0456 1913  0447 1931  0501 1926  0527 1855  0553 1810  0619 1726  0651 1655  0717 1652
19  0720 1717  0653 1751  0612 1819  0527 1847  0455 1914  0447 1932  0502 1926  0528 1854  0553 1808  0620 1724  0652 1654  0718 1653
20  0719 1718  0651 1752  0610 1820  0526 1848  0455 1914  0447 1932  0503 1925  0529 1853  0554 1807  0621 1723  0653 1654  0718 1653
21  0719 1720  0650 1753  0609 1821  0524 1849  0454 1915  0447 1932  0504 1924  0529 1851  0555 1805  0622 1722  0654 1653  0719 1654
22  0718 1721  0649 1754  0607 1822  0523 1850  0453 1916  0448 1932  0504 1923  0530 1850  0556 1804  0623 1721  0655 1653  0719 1654
23  0718 1722  0648 1755  0606 1823  0522 1851  0453 1917  0448 1932  0505 1923  0531 1849  0557 1802  0624 1719  0656 1652  0720 1655
24  0717 1723  0646 1756  0604 1824  0520 1852  0452 1918  0448 1932  0506 1922  0532 1847  0558 1801  0625 1718  0657 1652  0720 1655
25  0716 1724  0645 1757  0603 1825  0519 1853  0451 1918  0448 1932  0507 1921  0533 1846  0558 1759  0626 1717  0658 1651  0720 1656
26  0716 1725  0644 1758  0601 1826  0518 1853  0451 1919  0449 1933  0508 1920  0534 1844  0559 1758  0627 1716  0659 1651  0721 1657
27  0715 1726  0642 1759  0600 1826  0517 1854  0450 1920  0449 1933  0508 1919  0534 1843  0600 1756  0628 1715  0700 1651  0721 1657
28  0714 1727  0641 1800  0558 1827  0515 1855  0450 1921  0450 1933  0509 1919  0535 1842  0601 1755  0629 1713  0701 1651  0721 1658
29  0714 1728  0640 1801  0557 1828  0514 1856  0449 1921  0450 1932  0510 1918  0536 1840  0602 1753  0630 1712  0702 1650  0722 1659
30  0713 1729             0555 1829  0513 1857  0449 1922  0450 1932  0511 1917  0537 1839  0603 1752  0631 1711  0703 1650  0722 1659
31  0712 1730             0554 1830             0449 1923             0512 1916  0538 1837             0632 1710             0722 1700

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