Saturday, August 05, 2017


Refractive surgery

List of FDA-Approved Lasers for LASIK

矯正近視 雷射手術比一比 醫師揭優缺點 PRK, LASIK, Trans-PRK, 全飛秒 (SMILE, SMILE PRO, SMART CLEAR, SMART PRO) 

* Zeiss Meditec Mel 80 Presbyond

* Wavefront-guided 2000
Custom Wavefront-optimized

* Topography-assisted 2013

2017 paper: Comparison and analysis of FDA reported visual outcomes of the three latest platforms for LASIK: wavefront guided Visx iDesign, topography guided WaveLight Allegro Contoura, and topography guided Nidek EC-5000 CATz

The WaveLight Allegretto Wave Eye-Q excimer laser and the NAVEX EC-5000 excimer laser are currently the only systems approved in the United States to perform topography-assisted LASIK procedures  (Star S4 IR with iDesign is new)

iDesign vs Wavelight

1. Allegretto Wave Eye-Q, Novartis Alcon WaveLight Allegretto Wave Eye-Q, EX500
 - Alcon Contoura Vision (WaveLight Topolyzer Vario + WaveLight Allegretto Wave Eye-Q or WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser)
 - 博士眼科, 博士眼科地形圖導引 FS200 + EX500
 - 諾貝爾 七次元 角膜地圖引導 GCT-LASIK 酷視精雕 Topolyzer + FS200 + EX500
 - IQ Laser Vision [Kamra inlay

2. Johnson & Johnson Vision, Abbott Medical Optics AMO VISX Star S4 IR with iDesign (older iFS150 + Star S4 IR)
3. NIDEK 2000 EC-5000, Nidek Topo-Assisted Navex CATz Quest Advanced Vision Excimer Laser System
A review of the surgical options for the correction of presbyopiaslides

20/20 and Unhappy After Refractive Surgery Dry Eye, Low Contrast Visual Acuity, Contrast Sensitivity, Residual Refractive Error or Astigmatism
Lasik’s Risks Are Coming Into Sharper Focus pre-screening, Among those who may be at risk are people with large pupils; thin corneas, abnormally shaped corneas or other corneal abnormalities or scarring; high degrees of astigmatism; severe dry eye; and possibly people who have other sensitivities, pain syndromes or neurological disorders, frequent headaches or anxiety and depression.
Check 瞳孔 角膜 散光 乾眼

Refractive Lenticule Extraction : Femtosecond Lenticule Extraction / SMall-Incision Lenticule Extraction
To laser your eyes with SMILE - an honest story

Laser blended vision (LASIK) to increase depth of field using for Presbyopia without reading glasses
Accommodation_(eye) to Dioptre

Presentation: PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision (Zeiss, MEL80 or VizuMax [femtosecond laser])Laservue

Review of Ophthalmology: The Multiple Sides Of Monovision

It is possible to increase depth perception safely only up to 1.5 diopters without influencing vision quality, contrast sensitivity or twilight vision.

Blended Vision differs from monovision in that your two eyes are more similar to each other [up to 1.5 diopters difference], whereas with monovision your two eyes are set from 1.5 diopters to 3 diopters difference.

Treatment (laser blended vision) with diagrams

Presbyopia Clinical Trials in CaliforniaStanford Eye Institute

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