Sunday, November 20, 2005

dircolors - Set color parameters for ls

dircolors is a program to generate a setup for the color version of GNU ls. The setup consists of an LS_COLORS environment variable and a set of aliases
derailed LS_COLORS specification

bd block device,
cd character device,
di directory,
ec end control sequence code (replaces lc+no+rc),
ex executable file,
fi regular file,
lc left control sequence code,
ln symbolic link,
mi missing file (defaults to fi),
no normal (non-filename) text,
or orphaned symbolic link (defaults to ln),
pi named pipe (FIFO),
rc right control sequence code,
so socket.

0 restore default color
1 brighter colors
4 underlined text
5 flashing text
7 reverse video
30 black foreground
31 red foreground
32 green foreground
33 yellow (or brown) foreground
34 blue foreground
35 purple foreground
36 cyan foreground
37 white (or gray) foreground
40 black background
41 red background
42 green background
43 yellow (or brown) background
44 blue background
45 purple background
46 cyan background
47 white (or gray) background