Thursday, February 10, 2011


History of Western typography
Famous Names in Typography
Family Classifications of Type
Roman type
Roman square capitalsOptimaTrajan
Carolingian minuscule Pfeffer Mediæval
France Venice Jenson
Venetian BemboCentaur
French GaramondSabon
English Caslon
England Baskerville
Italy Modern Bodoni

IdentiFont Free Fonts Cardo, Sorts Mill GoudyHack, Cutive Mono (serif)Fira Mono (upper I, lower L, zero)Fira Sans (lower L g many weights), Droid Sans (upper I g no-italic),

Brick.IM fonts Cardo, EB Garamond, Sorts Mill Goudysimilar to Hoefler, switching from Times New Roman

Font Samples

identifont identify fonts, similar font finder
List of all available features, W shape, W serifs, J height, e slanted cross stroke (Aurelia[more modern], True GoldenCloister, ITC Golden TypeItalian Old StyleVeroneseParkinson)

Serif: Sorts Mill Goudy
Sans: Fira Sans
Mono: Courier Code

Serif fonts choices:
Mac: Hoefler Text, Georgia (compatibility), Times New Roman (compatibility)
Windows & Linux: Sorts Mill Goudy (ligature, kerning, WfJfi1, no bold),
Cardo (display, ligature, kerning not in Office, WeJfi1, rbbii)
Office: Constantia (ligature, kerning, J, rbbii), Times New Roman (ligature 'Th', kerning), Garamond (WJ, no ligature), Californian FB (e, no ligature, rbi), Sylfaen (ligature, only r)Georgia (compatibility, ligature, no kerning), Source Serif Pro (x-height), Gabriola (kerning, ligature, script)

Sans-Serif fonts choices:
use Serif fonts, kerning, ligature, Candara (no J, for office online, outlook), Corbel (no J), Segoe UI (no J), Fira Sans (no fi), Noto Sans, Droid fonts, , Tahoma (compatibility, no ligature), Verdana (compatibility, no ligature)

Monospace fonts choices:
Mac: Menlo, Monaco, Courier New (compatibility)
Windows & Linux: Courier Code (serif), Source Code Pro, Andale Mono, Courier New (serif, compatibility), Consolas, Nimbus Mono L (serif), Cutive Mono (serif Google)
Office: Courier New (serif, compatibility)

Cardo is the best, large and contains ancient characters

Equivalent size: Hoefler Text 17pt (Crimson Text), Palatino 16pt (Tinos), Cardo 16pt, Times New Roman 16pt, Garamond 18pt (EB Garamond 16pt), Centaur 19pt

Times New Roman
Hoefler Text (Crimson Text)
Garamond (EB GaramondByington)
Goudy (Sorts Mill Goudy)
Bembo (Cardo)
Cloister (humanist Jenson) e slanted cross stroke
Centaur (1 is like I) (CoelacanthMontaga)

Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack
Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs

The State of Web Type - Kerning, Ligature

Microsoft Core fonts for the WebFont rasterization: bitmap=raster pixel, anti-aliasing, hinting, subpixel rendering
sans-serif: Verdana, Arial, Trebuchet MS, Arial Black, Impact
serif: Georgia, Time New Roman
monospace: 1. Andale Mono, Courier New (serif), Webdings
cursive: Comic Sans MS

Google WebFonts

Understanding font sizing in css-em-px-pt-percent-rem
CSS Units
Units of length: px, em, cm, etc.
Font Size Conversion Chart
Specifying fonts in Web pages: The relationship between FONT SIZE and physical type size
0 6pt xx-small
1 8pt H6 x-small
2 10pt H5 small
3 12pt H4 default medium
4 14pt H3 large
5 18pt H2 x-large
6 24pt H1 xx-large
7 36pt
Toward a standard font size interval system

Web typography

CSS font sampler and survey

CCS font stacks by classification
CCS font stack example with compatibility percentage on Windows and Mac: Hoefler Text, Garamond, Palatino, Time New Roman
Revised Font Stack for various websites Times New Roman, Palatino, Book Antiqua (on Office), Georgia (use lining features), Constantia (use lining numerals), Garamond (on Office, no bold italic), Cambria (O is too narrow), Baskerville (on Office, no bold, italic), Verdana, Tahoma (no italic), Arial (use stylistic set 3 for 'I'), Segoe UI (Windows 8 'I' change), Courier New, ConsolasComic Sans MS
Consider capitalized I, small l, number 1, small o, number 0, capital O.  
JIl1o0Og Default
JIl1o0Og Arial
JIl1o0Og Courier
JIl1o0Og Georgia
JIl1o0Og Helvetica
JIl1o0Og Times
JIl1o0Og Trebuchet
JIl1o0Og Verdana

Microsoft: Tahoma (Segoe UI, Segoe)
Yahoo: Arial
Facebook: Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Verdana

Microsoft Typography Fonts: Office, Office, Games, Other Applications
List of Microsoft Windows fonts
List of typefaces included with Mac OS X

California Job Case: ligatures: fi, fl, ff, ffi, ffl, ae, oe, AE, OE, Teffi, Only Times New Roman has 'Th'
Letter frequency e t a o i n s h r, S A C M P R T B F

Microsoft Word OpenType Options in the Font Dialog Box
Home, Styles, Normal (right click), Modify, Formatting, Fonts, Advanced, (Times New Roman, Constantia; Verdana)
1. Ligatures: Standard, Contextual, Historical, Discretionary (will cause Palatino to use st, ct ligatures)
2. Number spacing: Proportional, Tabular
3. Number forms: Lining, Old-Style
4. Stylistic sets: Arial 3 has good 'I', Trebuchet 3 has capitalized lower alphabets
5. Use Contextual Alternates

Restore Word original template Normal.dotm delete it from C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates

LaTex fontsRecent TeX fonts, fbb Bembo, garamondx
The Beauty of LaTex: kerning, ligatures, Teffi
Pinyin fonts

Google Fonts
Google DocsHeadings
1. Select text, change font (Garamond, Gentium Book Basic, Times New Roman), size (12)
2. Normal text, Update 'Normal text' to match
3. Options, Save as my default styles

Windows 99%: 11
sans-serif: Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif, Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet MS, Impact
serif: Times New Roman, Georgia
monospace: Courier New (serif), Lucida Console
cursive: Comic Sans MS

Mac 95%: 11
sans-serif: Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Geneva, Monaco, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica Neue, Trebuchet MS
serif: Times, Georgia, Times New Roman
monospace (fixed width): Courier (serif)

Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Microsoft Sans Serif, Georgia, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Garamond, Calibri

Monospaced: check Illegal1=O0| '------======______'
Monospaced Fonts Graphic Samples
1. DejaVu Sans Mono
2. Andale Mono
VIM: the perfect programming fontGohu copy files to .font and use fc-cache -f -v for linux
1. Gohufont 11, 14 px, 2. DejaVu Sans Mono, 3. Andale Mono
Font Survey: 42 of the Best Monospaced Programming FontsDina 10 point too small, DejaVu Sans Mono, Andale Mono (lighter)
10 Alternative Monospace Fonts for Programmers
Tiny Fonts - GoHu - ProFont

Presentations and slides:choosing fonts for presentations
Open-source Unicode typefacesDejaVu fontsLiberation fontsNimbusSIL (Gentium, Charis, Doulos)

Serif Old Style:
Humanist (Venetian, older): Montaga (Google fonts), High Tower Text (office, 1 is like I, not tabular), Centaur (Office, 1 is like I)
GaraldeGaramond (Office b i, OSX, Google Docs), Palatino (Windows b i bi, OSX), Goudy Old Style (Office b i, Google Docs), Hoefler Text (OSX), Gentium Book Basic (Google Docs), Junicode, Tinos (Google Docs), Bookman (Google Docs), Gilliard (Byington on Windows)
Google Docs: Garamond, Goudy, Gentium Book Basic
Mac OS X (Pages): Hoefler Text, Garamond, Palatino
iWork on iCloud: Hoefler Text, Garamond
Office: Garamond, Palatino
Office 365 online: Garamond
Only Garamond is compatible across platforms except office online

Georgia (free, text figure numerals), Times New Roman (free)

Humanist: Calibri, Lucida Grande, Segoe UI, Myriad, Frutiger, Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana.
All Free, all available: Arial, Tahoma (I), Trebuchet MS (MQIg169ijl$), Verdana (QJIija)
Grotesque: Franklin Gothic

GMail: Use Serif (Times New Roman) or Garamond, Verdana or Tahoma, default (Sans Serif Arial)
Sans Serif, Serif (s), Wide, Narrow, Comis Sans MS, Courier New, Garamond (s), Georgia (s), Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
small, normal, large, huge
Old: Arial/Helvetica, Times New Roman, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Garamond, Georgia, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
base64 encode decode

Yahoo Mail: Use default Classic (Times New Roman) or Garamond, Modern (Sans-Serif) is not good
Modern, Modern Wide, Classic (s), Classic wide (s), Garamond (s), Courier New, Garamond, Lucida Console
small, medium, large, x-large
Old Yahoo eMail: Arial, Bookman Old Style, Courier New, Garamond, Lucida Console, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana

Hotmail, live, Use Times New Roman or Garamond, Verdana or Tahoma, default Calibri
Arial, Calibri (default), Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Franklin Gothic Medium, Garamond (s), Tahoma, Times New Roman (s), Verdana
8, 10, 12 (default), 16, 20, 24, 30
Old: Default Tahoma 10pt. Arial, Garamond, Comic Sans MS, Franklin Gothic Medium, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana
Blogger: Times, Verdana, default Arial, Il1o0O
Default, Arial, Courier, Georgia, Helvetica, Times, Trebuchet, Verdana

Google Docs: Times New Roman, Verdana
Default: Arial 11pt, Arial, Arial Black, Narrow, Calibri, Cambria, Comic Sans MS, Consola, Corsiva, Courier New, Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana

Chinese traditional font: MingLiU (細明體 fixed pitch), PMingLiU (新細明體 variable pitch)
Chinese simplified han: NSimSun (新宋體 fixed pitch), SimSun (中易宋體 variable pitch)
Bitstream Cyberbit Serif CJK unicode
Sans Microsoft JhengHei (微軟正黑體 variable pitch)
Sans Microsoft YaHei (微软雅黑 variable pitch), SimHei (中易黑体 fixed pitch)
Noto Sans CJKSource Han Sans (light, medium, ... 7 weights)
Regular script (楷書Arphic Technology AR PL UKai
  DFKai-SB (標楷體) BiaoKai (Mac)
  KaiTi (中易楷体)
Imitation Song (仿宋體FangSong (中易仿宋)
Clerical script (隸書) (中易隶书)

[Justfont] 那個讓人想到台灣的字體, 文史哲出版社 劉元祥 商用字彙 楷書 行書 行書 顏體 粗體字
【下載字型前先看】為什麼會缺字? character sets 

珍珠奶茶(タピオカミルクティー)約於一九八〇年代誕生於台灣,近年在全世界頗夯。配料還有「双 Q」、「芋圓」等許多變種,加一種配料加 10 元,你嚐過哪些ㄋ?珍珠奶茶(タピオカミルクティー)約於一九八〇年代誕生於台灣,近年在全世界頗夯。配料還有「双 Q」、「芋圓」等許多變種,加一種配料加 10 元,你嚐過哪些ㄋ?

Microsoft ClearType Fonts Collection
Constantia - serif - need to use OpenType, Number forms, "Lining" instead of "Old-styles", saved html does not have lining (constant-height) numbers to distinguish between small o and 0 (zero)
Corbel - sans-serif
Calibri - sans-serif
Cambria - serif
Candara - sans-serif
Consolas - monospace

Guide to X11/Fonts use fc-cache to create fonts.cache in ~/.fonts directory. linux fontconfig should find it through /dev/fonts/fonts.conf
Use MiscFixed 10pt (or gothic, or Lucida Typewriter) for VIM in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x
linux fonts information
X11 Font Configuration
CJK Fonts Howto

Apple iPhone Helvetica Neue light, ultralight
Google Android Roboto Droid fonts
Windows Phone 7 Segoe WP

Antiqua-Fraktur dispute Blackletter vs Antiqua
Evolution of minuscule script

How Dyslexic Can Read Better ? Via Dyslexic Fonts?  Monospaced, Sans-Sarif, Roman
Typefaces for dyslexics
OpenDyslexic DejaVu Sans
Lexia Readable Comic Sans

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